BeYOUtiful in Christ is a non-profit organization that seeks to encourage middle school to college-aged girls through social media outlets as well as facilitating weekend retreats at welcoming churches. Our goal is to share the name and message of Jesus Christ as well as make disciples of Him; we proclaim that our identity comes from Him and Him alone. Our desire is to teach girls to place their faith in Jesus and embrace themselves for how fearlessly and wonderfully God has created them. Contact us if you'd like to receive weekly discipleship newsletters!

Why we started bic
What is bic ?

We became partners in ministry after working together at a Christian youth camp,
(Best camp ever). We met a number of young ladies who struggled with such insecurity and identity issues that they chose self-harm, boys, and eating disorders as their way of "dealing" with it. Our hearts are heavy for young ladies and we want to do all we can to share the love of Christ with them! Our goal is to encourage girls to see the beauty that's within themselves, given from God Himself!
