Does Comparison REALLY Kill?

"Comparison Kills."
I'm willing to say that this is a phrase most -- if not all -- of us have heard before.
Actually, this is a phrase that I'm guilty of using on more than one occasion. I have repeated it over and over again to myself,
"Kaleigh, there is no one else like you. You were created in the image of God."
This is very true, and before I go any farther ladies, believe it. There will NEVER be another you.
In Jesus' name, you are perfect and flawless.
If you don't have Psalm 139:14 memorized, THEN STOP READING THIS AND GO MEMORIZE IT! Once you have it memorized, come back. :)
Now that we have a mutual understanding that you were fearfully and wonderfully made, let's talk about something else. Let's talk about comparing. Girls, I get this. I understand the desire and the natural instinct to ALWAYS want to compare. Personally, I have always been told not to compare myself to others (especially my older sister ;) )
WHY? Well, because "comparison kills," right? WRONG.
Comparison CAN kill. According to a blog I just read,
"Comparison can kill your life and steal the very depth of your soul."
Here's why I say that comparison CAN kill, but doesn't need to:
The Bible describes Ruth with a comparison of being a
"virtuous woman." David is often compared to Jesus.
Comparisons CAN be good. BUT comparisons can kill the moment you begin to doubt
Remember that as a daughter of the King, you are given the title of princess.
No one else can define your worth. Do you let them?
What are you comparing? Do you desire to trade how God specifically created you for a physical trait in another? DON'T. You are a masterpiece that God spent your entire life developing. Don't wish for a different canvas or Creator.
Do you absolutely feel the NEED to compare?
How about comparing your life to women of the Bible?
Be like Hannah, who was a consistent prayer warrior.
Be like Ruth, who was a willing vessel ready to be used by God NO matter where He led her.
Be like Esther, who was a courageous woman standing for right in the face of death.
Be like Rahab, who faithfully relied on the promises of God.
Be like Dinah, who instead of seeking judgment, sought after the One who brings peace.
Be like Mary, who faced ridicule but unashamedly claimed Christ.
Be like the Proverbs 31 woman who embodies the characteristics of a beautiful woman who fearlessly loves God.
Be like Abigail, whose wisdom spoke louder than her words.
Be like the adulterous woman, who was forgiven and gave Christ the victory over her shame and guilt.
Compare your life to Christ. Love like He does, and forgive like He does.
Comparison CAN kill, but not always.