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13 Reasons Why Life is Worth Living.

Dear struggling girl,

You’ve probably seen 13 reasons why by now. If you haven’t seen it, then you’ve heard about it because that’s what your friends are talking about. I’ll admit, I watched it the weekend it came out. My emotions were all over the place. I cried during most of the episodes. I didn’t necessarily cry because of the horrible things done to Hannah Baker.

I cried because I still walk the school hallways. Not as a student, but as a teacher. I now play a vital role in a LIFE. How many Lord? How many young lives do I pass by, bump into, and say hello are struggling? How many of them need ONE person to pour Jesus into their life? How many do we ALL pass by daily?

Maybe you’re the one struggling. Maybe you’re the one who has had some horrible things done to you and right now you think life just isn’t worth living anymore.

I’d like to share with you 13 reasons why… is worth living.

1. You are valuable.

1 Corinthians 6: 20 says you were bought with a price. The HIGHEST price one could pay; death. He died FOR you. Honor God by living life to the fullest. Glorify Him until you take your last breath.

2. You are unique.

There is not one person in life who is Just. Like. You. There never will be another you. You are the only one on earth capable of being the best YOU.

3. His mercies are new every morning.

Maybe you’ve made a few mistakes. The past is overwhelming. You’ve been hurt, you’ve done some hurt and you can’t seem to let go. Guess what? He has. Open your Bible and read the treasure hidden in Lamentations 3:22-23. Steadfast love and new beginnings are awaiting you with open arms.

4. He fights for you.

Champion. Rock. Defender. When it seems like no one else is on your side, the Lord fights for you. He who split the seas and made it rain fire is fighting for YOU.

5. After the rain comes the rainbow.

The rainbow is an everlasting covenant between God and man. When people fail you, when they break promises, when they let you down over and over again; He remains TRUE. Though man may fail, God will not.

6. He is close to the brokenhearted.

He has endured pain. He knows deep hurt. He knows what it’s like to be talked about, gossiped about, and lied about. He rescues the spirits of those who are crushed.

7. You are created in the image of God.

Rip off the labels society puts on you. Go ahead. I know, it will hurt. Years of hurtful words said can leave a lasting impact if you let them. Put that mirror down. You aren’t called to look in the mirror of hurtful words, shame, or abuse. Your mirror should reflect a child of God. You are an image-bearer.

8. He sees you.

Matthew 9:20-22. He saw this woman. He saw her need and he fulfilled it. He sees you when no one else does. He sees the tears you cry and the ones you don’t cry. Before Zacchaeus needed the tree, the Lord already had it planted. He sees you.

9. You have PURPOSE.

You are part of a bigger story. This goes along with #7. You need to see your reflection through Jesus and the cross before you see your purpose. But know that it’s there. You weren’t created to simply “live”. Live with purpose to know HIS purpose.

10. He forgives.

Need I say more?

11. You belong to Him.

When you feel unloved, unwanted, unworthy, and not good enough; remember that you belong to the Creator of the Universe.

12. He gives victory.

Are you battling something right now? Life is full of choices. Maybe your fighting a spiritual or physical battle and you know you need help. Cry out to Jesus. Don’t lose hope. Hold on, because your victory is coming.


Romans 8:31-39 needs to be taped to your bathroom mirror, your bedroom walls, and tattooed on your forehead. (I’m joking about that last one ;). There is absolutely NOTHING you have done, or will do that can make him love you any less or any more. You are worth it. Your life matters to the one who Created you. He loved you enough to LAY DOWN his life for you even when he knew you were tempted to take the gift of life He gave you. You are so, so loved and you matter.

Lord, I pray that you open up our eyes to see the HURT all around us. And for the ones who are discouraged, let us not pass by their broken heart and let it go unnoticed. Lord, help us to show them that this gift of life is worth living when you’re in the midst of it.

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