Princess Status

My heart is so heavy with what I’m about to share.
Honestly, I had every intention of writing a post about how to find the right guy. Girls need to understand where their value and worth come from. I want to tell you not to settle for that one guy that you KNOW isn’t good for you, but I can’t do that.
God was tugging at my heart to share something else. There is something of greater importance that needs to be addressed: ladies,
it’s US.
I honestly was ashamed to write an article about how to ditch that loser guy without discussing US first.
Let me give you a few reasons why WE first need to be addressed: || Through salvation and His blood, YOU ARE A PRINCESS… dress, talk, and act like one. ||
1. Do you DRESS like a princess? I don’t know about you, but I can’t get on any social media site, walk around the mall, go to the beach, etc. without being bombarded with images of bodies and certain parts that I have absolutely no interest in looking at. “But everyone else does it!” I know, believe me I know. Crop-tops, high-wasted booty shorts (gross), bikinis, you name it…these are some popular items girls are wearing. --Not just any girls, but CHRISTIAN girls. || christ calls us to be DIFFERENT in this world. || I will not go so far as to say the motive of EVERY girl who dresses this way is wrong. I don’t know your heart and it isn't my place to judge you, but let’s be honest- the reason MOST girls dress this way is to get attention from guys. We all love flattery. It’s….well, it’s flattering. :) Your future husband is out there, and he sees the way EVERY girl dresses. It’s really hard for him to keep his mind pure when we consistently cloud his vision with
lustful images. Will you help him fight the battle of purity that he faces DAILY?
Maybe that isn’t enough to motivate you to think about the way you dress (I sure hope it does). But just in case it’s not…
\\ would you wear that outfit in front of Jesus? // 2. Do you TALK like a princess? Have you checked your social media accounts lately? Do you represent your King? Or do your thousands of Instagram and Facebook followers even know you are a
follower of Jesus? Maybe they don’t, maybe they can’t tell. Do you struggle with gossip? Ahhh, that’s a hard one, I know. It needs to stop. Someday your child may be the one gossiped about. The Bible says
not to let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouth (Ephesians 4:29).
People really can tell we are different by the way we speak.
Are you encouraging? Really, your words can save a life. There is power in the tongue, so much so that the Bible refers to it as a two-edged sword, and if you have ever been affected by the words of others-- well, you know what I mean. “Words can build you up; words can tear you down; start a fire in your heart or put it out."
|| Speak love. || 3. Do you ACT like a princess? Are you generous, giving, kind? In a world that is full of so much evil and hatred, my prayer is that we become women of God who are KIND. Kindness goes a long way. If your enemy forces you to walk one mile with him, walk two. Feed the hungry, clothe the poor, give drink to all those who thirst. (Matthew 5:25) These are Biblical commands--Words from Jesus Christ himself! Replace evil and bitterness with kindness, even if it feels justly deserved. Go above and beyond what you are told to do.
|| Be a woman of CHARACTER. Be love. Act like a princess. || I’m sorry ladies, I had to call us out. We live in a world that tells us, "It's okay to dress for the look he gives you,"
or much worse. We live in a world that tells us, "It’s more about the followers we have than the One we follow." We live in a world that tells us, "Repay evil with evil." be d i f f e r e n t Own up to the title God has given you as a princess. PLEASE, please dress, talk, and act like one. “…this is how the world will know that you are my disciples.” John 13:35