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When You Don't Look Like Megan Fox

I have been spending plenty of time with children lately, and I love their precious hearts. Some have the ability to whole-heartedly trust and love, which is refreshing (and at times scary). What I have observed with every child is their willingness to blame others… or the dog "who ate their homework."

It didn’t matter that I was sitting right beside him and WATCHED him break the brown crayon -- it still "wasn’t his fault." When the toy car fell off the race track it instantly became a battleground among four children because "no one did it." When the little boy pushed his sister in the pool it wasn’t his fault because "she did it first." All of these scenarios I have recently witnessed and I can give you more. Do you get it? To a child, shifting blame is one of the easiest things to do. It’s natural. As adults, it doesn’t really get any better. Sometimes we understand it is our responsibility to own up to our decisions or mistakes—again, sometimes. For the most part, there is one individual we love to blame. When heartache, depression, or trials come our way, we tend to turn our back on Him. We reject Him. We give up our relationship with Him. We blame God. We blame the only One who can actually help us overcome our heartache, depression or trials.

How many people do you know who blame God because of a

difficult circumstance? Are you there now? Maybe what you blame Him for is much different than that.

<< You hate the way you look. << You aren’t skinny enough.

<< Your hair isn’t curly or blonde. << You don’t have blue eyes.

<< You have too many freckles.

This list could go on. Ladies, how many items are on your list? We all have different things we wish we could change about ourselves. Do you blame your Creator for the way you are? If so, STOP.

You were fearfully and wonderfully made in His image. You have the ability to be the best YOU that you can be. Stop wishing you were someone else. He loves you just the way you are. He died for YOU, the you with scars, straight hair, and brown eyes. You are His greatest masterpiece. Wishing you had a different trait is criticizing the Artist who intricately designed you. “No matter the bumps, no matter the bruises, no matter the scars, still the truth is the cross has made you FLAWLESS.”

Don’t ever forget that.

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