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Okay, I have been trying to write this blog for WEEKS. Believe me. I had time set aside but it always ended with me staring at the computer screen. I would type a few sentences but then delete them. Nothing was coming. There was no inspiration and honestly God just wasn’t speaking to me—at least that’s what I thought.

Have you ever been in a

spiritual drought ?

I guess you could say that’s what I was going through. I didn’t read my Bible and I said an occasional prayer (because I wanted some things answered MY way).

"There was just too much going on." Two nights ago, before I went to bed, I opened my Bible. While I was doing my devotions I stumbled across two things.

The first was Psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I am God.”

I’ll get back to that verse in a minute, because it’s a good one! Second, I found a picture from a camp I used to work at called Whisper Mountain Youth Camp (you should totally take two minutes to look it up and you will fall in love. So go book your ticket for Whisper Mountain and volunteer your time, money and prayers AFTER you finish reading this.)

We have this phrase at camp: “God is always speaking, we just aren’t always listening.” How true is that? These past few weeks I thought God wasn’t talking to me because I was caught up in my own “busy” schedule to

BE STILL AND KNOW THAT HE IS GOD. And He is ALWAYS speaking to me. I started thinking about all the voices I do listen to on a daily basis.

Radio, TV, and internet ads are just a few.

These are the voices that tell me I’m not good enough and never will be. There’s always something more and better. I never thought about how much these voices are a part of my life or how they affect me. I never really thought they did, but who isn’t a sucker for a shampoo that promises to bring out those natural curls? Or that face wash that produces the perfect skin? These voices are everywhere. There is always a product that promises to make us perfect. Even the voices of family and friends surround us. Their words have such power. Remember when your friends kept making comments about how tall you were? As a girl, you shrank with insecurity and begged God to make you shorter. (I know that has happened to plenty of tall girls. Own it! You never have to wear heels! ;)) Your friends didn’t mean to hurt you but they did. It affected you more than they know. Sometimes the voice that hurts us the most is the voice within. We often remind ourselves we aren’t good enough. We look in the mirror, pinpoint our insecurities and play out in our heads how we would fix them. There are millions of voices. Some of these voices will hurt you, and some will try convincing you that there is a path to “perfection”. Turn off the TV. Silence your phone. Shut your computer.

Open your Bible. Forget the voices of distraction and listen to HIS.

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