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Who Am I?

Have you ever asked yourself,

“Who am I”? Have you ever wondered what defines you? I can tell you that for many years I struggled with letting the past define me. Oh, believe me, I tried really hard to hide it, but on the inside I still dwelled on my mistakes and failures. I was blinded by the wall of shame I allowed Satan to build-- and I think many girls today do the exact same thing. We may not admit it, but we think the mistakes we have made will never be forgotten. We forget that as far as the east is from the west we have been forgiven

(Psalm 103:12) We have been forgiven by the One who can FORGET. || You are not defined by your failures or your success. || You are not defined by your past or your future. || You are not defined by your looks. || You are not defined by your family. | | | | You are defined by CHRIST. | | | | If that does not put a smile on your face, then I don't know what will! You are defined by the Creator of the universe who CHOOSES to love you. Every day, every minute, every second He LOVES you. There is absolutely nothing you have done or could EVER do to take His love away. Okay, so this is all fantastic to KNOW that you’re defined by Christ, but do you understand WHO you are in Him? The best label we have as Christians is being called a “child of God”. Literally, this is the best. Wow, I cannot think of anything better than being HIS child. We get the privilege of calling Him "Daddy. " It’s an honor and a blessing. You may be fortunate enough to have the most incredible earthly dad, or maybe your earthly dad isn't the greatest-- regardless, your Heavenly Father is greater and is P E R F E C T. We get to call Him "Daddy" and he will never let us down and he will never look down upon us. Regardless of your past and lies you hear about yourself, || You are not a cheater, || You are not a liar, || You are not a stealer, || You are not an adulterer,





|| YOU ARE NOT UNCARED FOR. | | | | Not in our Father's eyes.| | | | You may have DONE those things and FELT those things, but you are still HIS child. Let that define you. 1 John 3:9 says, “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be CALLED CHILDREN OF GOD! And THAT is what we are!” You have the precious honor of being named "God’s child". So here is the question again: "Who Am I?"

Before you answer for yourself, let Daddy answer for you:

Daughter, You are COMPLETE in Christ.

|| You are made perfect and flawless in His image and that’s how He sees you. || Colossians 2:10 says, and in Christ you have been brought to FULLNESS. ---You are not lacking anything. You are specially created to live the purpose He created you for. Declare that truth and go change the world for Jesus! : ) Daughter, I chose You. || Before you were born, He knew and loved you. He doesn’t wait for you to choose Him. || Ephesians 1:4 says, “For He CHOSE us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight.” ---God CHOSE YOU. Maybe you need to write that on your mirror or in every notebook. Never lose sight of the fact that no matter what you have done He STILL chooses you. Daughter, I have redeemed you. Ephesians 1:7 says, “In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace.” ---There is not even enough time in this world to talk about the amount of grace God has for us children. This is a FREE gift. He is offering redemption. Despite any mistake you have done or how far gone you think you are, take Daddy's free gift of grace with both hands so you can let go of the past. Daughter, I love you. Dad see us as P E R F E C T. Dad sees us W I T H O U T F L A W. Dad sees us as H O L Y. Dad sees us as B L A M E L E S S. You are all of this and more because of Jesus Christ and what He has done for you. --He calls you "Beautiful One." --He calls you "Forgiven." --He calls you "Justified." --He calls you "Sanctified." --He calls you "Redeemed." --He calls you "Precious." WHO ARE YOU? You are His child. Claim this promise and live a life F R E E from being defined by the world.

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