A View from the Top!

Are you ready for a mountain-top view but you're stuck in the valley? You’re wondering how to get out. Maybe you have done everything you can. You know that you were created in His image, but you don’t see it. You are stuck. You’re trying to see yourself as flawless but the more you look the more flaws you see. Guess what?? YOU don’t have to do anything.
In YOUR name, you are trying to overcome insecurities. You can try everything in your power to get rid of the shame, insecure thoughts, and negative feelings but it won’t work. Until you learn to cry out to Jesus, you will never understand your worth and beauty. There is nothing in this life more beautiful than the blood HE shed for you.
Cry out to Jesus and in His name and
go. Be free. “On the other side of fear lives freedom.”
Not knowing who you are in Jesus Christ IS bondage. It can tear you up inside. You can be set free. You can leave the valley. Let Him take over your insecurities. Climb the mountain and enjoy the view. Read what happened to a close friend of mine, Abi Vittur, when she let Jesus take over. “Have you ever looked at a mountain? Beautiful. From the high huge mountain tops to the low majestic valleys. In life, everyone has mountains. We all have days with mountain tops where life seems too perfect; then we all have the valleys where life makes no sense. I recently was in a valley for sometime actually.. My valley was self-hatred. I, for a few years, could NEVER find something good about myself. Ladies, we ALL know those days when we wake up feeling ‘Pretty’, or waking up and just feeling ‘ew’ or ‘I’m ugly.’.. Well, that’s how I felt daily. I couldn’t look in the mirror and say or see a single thing positive. Well, recently I finally shared it with my family, because the longer something is kept in the dark, the more it hurts when it finally comes to the light. So, then I thought, “Okay it’ll be fixed now”… Right? Someone else knows so it all just goes away now? WRONG. I still hated myself. Some time passed, I started ministry school (Yes, even women of God who are called to ministry can still struggle) and it was on a class trip to the mountains that my life was changed. One night, during an exercise, we had to share our ‘dagger’ (The thing that stabbed us when we thought about it/the part of us we didn’t want others to know.) Well, obviously I knew what mine was. However, I had no intention of sharing it. Then, my sister came up behind me, knowing exactly what my struggle was since I had shared it with my family, whispered in my ear “This stays here. You DO NOT get to bring this home.”.. So, when it got to my turn to share, I sat there for a good 3 minutes whispering ‘Lord give me strength’. Then the song, "Nothing but the Blood" came on in the background…. “What can make me whole again? NOTHING but the blood of Jesus.” Those were the lyrics I heard ever so softly. So, I took a deep breath and started talking, at the end I said, ‘In the name of Jesus I LEAVE THIS HERE.’…. A weight I had been carrying for years had been lifted off of me and I was FREE. I left a lot on that mountain top that day. Ladies, life can be hard and full of valleys, especially when it comes to self-image, but I encourage you that a mountain top is coming! YOU are good enough. YOU are made whole. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL.”