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To the Average Girl

You opened this because you believe this is you, right? You get B’s and C’s in school, with the exception of the occasional A. But you know the C’s make you average. You don’t have bleach blonde hair and blue eyes. You have “dirty” blonde hair and regular brown eyes, and of course that makes you average. You can’t afford the name brand clothes, so you shop at the thrift store (you totally should anyways, because you can find some pretty awesome things there:) ). And obviously, that makes you average too. You have glasses, braces, big feet, your hair isn’t straight or it’s way too curly. You don't like your body size and no matter how hard you’ve tried to shed a few pounds nothing seems to work. Your skin isn’t tanned, you can’t get the eyebrows you want, you’re too tall or too short, and you’ve never had a boyfriend. You think you’re not good enough. And that is what makes you average. No one may have actually ever said that to you, but you know that’s what they’re thinking. No one has to say it, you already know. PAUSE—Go read Psalm 139:14 then come back. You probably already knew that verse, but have you ever meditated on it?

You are FEARFULLY and WONDERFULLY made by Jesus! God was very detailed when He created you. He is far from average, would He create anything less? No, He loves you. He made you on PURPOSE and for a REASON. Let go of the standards set by others. Let go of what YOU think beauty looks like. Let go of the thought that you are just an average girl. // You are unique. // You were designed by the Maker of Beauty. // He knows what beauty is. // He sees you as nothing less and everything more than you do. An average person would have to be created by an average God. (Umm... and we all know God is not "average"!) PAUSE AGAIN—Go read Jeremiah 1:5. Now, let’s talk. Before you were born, God KNEW you.

Before Jeremiah was born, God had set him apart from everyone else for a very specific role as a prophet. God didn’t want to use anyone else.

Here’s the thing: God has a specific, divine purpose for YOUR life. The God of the universe set YOU apart to live the life you are living. No one else has the same path as you. You are the only you. Your divine purpose is to bring honor and glory to Jesus Christ. That is not an “average” job. That’s a BIG deal. He created YOU for that reason alone. He has different, divine purposes for you, and that alone tells you that you are not average.

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