Dear struggling girl
Dear struggling girl,
Sometimes the honest truth is we aren’t enough. We don’t measure up to what others expect us to be or even what we expect ourselves to be. We fail daily. We’re mistake makers. We make wrong choices. We lie. We cheat, steal, and we’re unfaithful.
Am I discouraging you yet?
Open the Word of God and be encouraged.
Isaiah 46:4 is a promise from the Lord.
“I WILL carry you; and I WILL sustain you”. Do you know what the word sustain means? It means to strengthen or support physically AND mentally. That means there is ABSOLUTELY no room for the enemies lies. The more we fill our mind with God’s Word, the more the enemies lies begin to disappear.
Yes, we are sinners. Yes, we are unfaithful. Yes, we fail. Yes, we make mistakes. Yes, we aren’t enough sometimes. But, it doesn’t stop there.
When you are unfaithful, He is FAITHFUL.
When you FAIL, He is ready to pick you up.
When you have a wandering heart, He is constant.
When you are nothing, GOD CALLS YOU HIS.
When we don’t measure up, Christ ALREADY has. There is a PERFECT God who is fighting for you. Don’t

miss out on your divine potential because you don’t believe in His divine promise.
YOU are HIS and HE will SUSTAIN you.