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When Jesus Speaks.

Dear struggling girl,

Have you ever neglected a nudge from the Holy Spirit? I have. Have you ever longed for the desire to tell someone about Jesus but you were too afraid? I have. Have you ever wanted to stand up for what was right, but you were afraid of what others would think of you? I have.

Not too long ago, I was getting my hair done. My hairdresser was such a sweet girl. We talked about everything from school, work, friends, college, boyfriends, and family. I felt that pounding in my heart and knew I was supposed to tell her about Jesus. Do you know what my first thoughts were? “But Lord, I just made a new friend! I don’t want her to think I’m weird.”

It was almost as if her next question interrupted my thoughts, “So do you go to church?” As we talked, I found out she doesn’t go to church, but she wants to. SHE WANTS TO. WOW.

After talking more I know this is a young lady who is hungry for Jesus, but I was too afraid to give her what she needs. I’m thankful that the door of friendship is still open and the opportunity of influence, but maybe I would have left the salon that day with a sister in Christ had I listened when He spoke to me.

Sharing Jesus isn’t easy. Doing what’s right isn’t easy. Standing up for every injustice isn’t easy. But it’s possible.

Jesus has paved a path for you to live BOLDLY.

Esther’s boldness allowed her to speak up for a group of unpopular people.

Ruth’s boldness allowed her to enter the threshing floor in the middle of the night.

Abigail’s boldness to speak unto King David saved lives.

Rahab had the boldness to HIDE spies when it could have cost her everything.

A woman bleeding to death had the boldness to just touch Jesus’ clothes.

Daniel had the boldness to do what was right even though it meant being thrown into a den with lions.

There are so many accounts of spiritual and physical BOLDNESS in the Bible. Don’t say it’s too hard and don’t say it’s impossible.

It’s time to pray for boldness. I pray as women we are able to live boldly, proclaiming Jesus throughout every area of our lives.

Go boldly.

Romans 1:16 “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.”

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