Dear struggling girl
Dear struggling girl, Sometimes the honest truth is we aren’t enough. We don’t measure up to what others expect us to be or even what we...

Kaleigh's Story
Let me give you the definition of 7th grade: sleepless nights of tossing and turning, bloodshot eyes and tear-stained cheeks. Okay—so...

My Husband Does Not Complete Me
Every girl dreams about her wedding day. From the decorations to the bridesmaid dresses, we have everything picked out, sometimes even...

What Does Your Lipstick Say About You?
Which is best: red, brown, purple or nude? I honestly have no clue. Even after researching, I still probably wouldn’t know. ;) Do you...

To the Girl with the "not-so-perfect" Selfie
To the girls with the “not-so-perfect” selfie, There is more to life than #literalperfection or #canijustbeyou comments on Instagram. ...

A Masterpiece
“Lord, I pray that you give me the eyes to see the me that you do. The me that you call “beautiful one”. The me that has been set apart...

Beep, Beep, Beep!
Okay, so that was the third time I hit the snooze button. This time I just so happened to look at my clock and if I didn’t start moving...

Whose are You?
There's really no way to define who “you” are. Seriously, take a few moments to answer that question. WHO are you? It’s tough, right?...

To the Average Girl
You opened this because you believe this is you, right? You get B’s and C’s in school, with the exception of the occasional A. But you...

A View from the Top!
Are you ready for a mountain-top view but you're stuck in the valley? You’re wondering how to get out. Maybe you have done everything you...